My Comics
Shorter comics (3 or less pages) are visible on this page by clicking the 'Show Comic' button in its section. For longer comics, the titles are links and clicking on the title will bring you to a page you can read the comic.
Cursed Relics
Updates every Monday and Wednesday!
Published from 10-01-2024 to [ongoing]
Originally created as part of Andaluza's yearly 'Cursed Relics' drawing challenge, it now has a life of it's own. Follow Bryony and Monilestriel Monilestriel's body as they explore the Florian ruins and the artifacts within.
It's (what I'm calling) a "short-form webcomic"- this just means it's under 35 pages and only the back 23ish were published bi-weekly. Once it's done I'll have a nice post mortem on my blog talking more about why I did this and if I liked the process.
The Excavation and Exhumation of Magick
Published on: 07-27-2024
Archaeologists discover the origin of magick. (Multi-media test I made where the goal was to combine digital drawings and clay sculptures.)
The Lindwyrm
Published on: 08-21-2022
A 4 page comic completed for Hivework's MicroComics Summer event. This comic is a re-telling of the lindworm fairy tale.
Heavy is the Head
Published on: 01-16-2021 (I know... I put it on twitter before the news dropped)
"After centuries embroiled in pointless wars, the country finally found itself free. The Circinae family’s demise came in the form of a coup d'etat- organized by the very people the family claimed to represent. The infamous empire quickly crumbled without the royal family’s iron fist, and the country found itself able to heal and grow for the first time in 350 years.”
Excerpt from 'Socioeconomic and Cultural Revelations Originating from the Early 3200’s' by Dr. C. Kostiantyn